Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Creating your own Magic with Candles
Candles are one of the tools that Wiccans use for casting spells. The size of the candle and the duration that it burns is not important. However, one must use the correct colour, as each colour links with a certain type of energy.
Your ceremony should be carried out in a place where your candle can be burned safely, away from furniture and curtains. Do not leave your candle unattended and always remember to blow it out when finished. It is wise to place your candle on an old plate or holder and keep some water nearby. Candle magic works best when the moon is full. You can also burn a stick of incense at the same time, to enhance the energy around you. If you want to strengthen your spell, you can carve your wish onto the candle from top to bottom in a clockwise spiral.
Caution: Do not use the ceremony or spell to interfere with the free will of another. The rebound effect can be very dramatic.
The Ritual:
Start the ritual by asking for blessings and guidance from God/Divine/Universe. Rub the bottom of the candle with three drops of the corresponding aromatherapy oil mentioned below. If you don't have the oil, then use one that you feel comfortable with or have on hand. It's all about intention. Light your candle and repeat the following chant three times:
Sacred Candle, sacred flame, bring the magic that I name.
Once your candle is burning, repeat the spell that goes with it’s corresponding colour for 5 minutes. When the ritual is complete, say a few words of thanksgiving before extinguishing the flame.
The Spells:
Yellow is for Happiness and Success
The spell is: Happiness and success come to me. I deserve your abundance.
The aromatherapy oil is: Apple or Geranium
Green is for Love, Compassion, Health and to ease Heartache
The spell is: Good Health and love that nurtures, come to me and all that surrounds me.
The aromatherapy oil is: Lavender
Pink is for Romance and Love
The spell is: Power of loving relationship come to me. Heal any heartache from the past, and guide my choices in the present and the future.
The aromatherapy oil is: Rose or Jasmine
Silver is for Intuition and Dreams
The spell is : Dreams and intuitions come to me, and bless me with inner wisdom and self -understanding.
The aromatherapy oil is : Jasmine or Cinnamon
Blue is for Inner Peace, Friendship and healing
The spell is: Inner Peace and Healing is within me and around me.
The aromatherapy oil is : Lavender or Apple
Indigo is for relaxation and restful sleep
The spell is: Stress be released. Allow relaxation to come.
The aromatherapy oil is : Bergamot
Purple is for inner power and spiritual guidance
The spell is: Divine power within me, bless me and guide me on the path of my destiny.
The aromatherapy oil is: Gardenia, Cinnamon or Frankincense
Monday, 20 April 2020
If we are to have true peace in the world, we must first find it within ourselves.
Finding Peace Within
by Madisyn Taylor
Most people agree that a more peaceful world would be an ideal situation for all living creatures. However, we often seem stumped as to how to bring this ideal situation into being. If we are to have true peace in this world, each one of us must find it in ourselves first. If we don't like ourselves, for example, we probably won't like those around us. If we are in a constant state of inner conflict, then we will probably manifest conflict in the world. If we have fighting within our families, there can be no peace in the world. We must shine the light of inquiry on our internal struggles, because this is the only place we can really create change.
When we initiate the process of looking inside ourselves for the meaning of peace, we will begin to understand why it has always been so difficult to come by. This in itself will enable us to be compassionate toward the many people in the world who find themselves caught up in conflicts both personal and universal. We may have an experience of peace that we can call up in ourselves to remind us of what we want to create, but if we are human we will also feel the pull in the opposite direction--the desire to defend ourselves, to keep what we feel belongs to us, to protect our loved ones and our cherished ideals, and the anger we feel when threatened. This awareness is important because we cannot truly know peace until we understand the many tendencies and passions that threaten our ability to find it. Peace necessarily includes, even as it transcends, all of our primal energy, much of which has been expressed in ways that contradict peace.
Being at peace with ourselves is not about denying or rejecting any part of ourselves. On the contrary, in order to be at peace we must be willing and able to hold ourselves, in all our complexity, in a full embrace that excludes nothing. This is perhaps the most difficult part for many of us, because we want so much to disown the negative aspects of our humanity. Ironically, though, true peace begins with a willingness to take responsibility for our humanity so that we might ultimately transform it in the light of our love.
by Madisyn Taylor
Most people agree that a more peaceful world would be an ideal situation for all living creatures. However, we often seem stumped as to how to bring this ideal situation into being. If we are to have true peace in this world, each one of us must find it in ourselves first. If we don't like ourselves, for example, we probably won't like those around us. If we are in a constant state of inner conflict, then we will probably manifest conflict in the world. If we have fighting within our families, there can be no peace in the world. We must shine the light of inquiry on our internal struggles, because this is the only place we can really create change.
When we initiate the process of looking inside ourselves for the meaning of peace, we will begin to understand why it has always been so difficult to come by. This in itself will enable us to be compassionate toward the many people in the world who find themselves caught up in conflicts both personal and universal. We may have an experience of peace that we can call up in ourselves to remind us of what we want to create, but if we are human we will also feel the pull in the opposite direction--the desire to defend ourselves, to keep what we feel belongs to us, to protect our loved ones and our cherished ideals, and the anger we feel when threatened. This awareness is important because we cannot truly know peace until we understand the many tendencies and passions that threaten our ability to find it. Peace necessarily includes, even as it transcends, all of our primal energy, much of which has been expressed in ways that contradict peace.
Being at peace with ourselves is not about denying or rejecting any part of ourselves. On the contrary, in order to be at peace we must be willing and able to hold ourselves, in all our complexity, in a full embrace that excludes nothing. This is perhaps the most difficult part for many of us, because we want so much to disown the negative aspects of our humanity. Ironically, though, true peace begins with a willingness to take responsibility for our humanity so that we might ultimately transform it in the light of our love.
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Vitamin C for weight loss and fighting Viral Infections
In the eighteenth century, sailors found that they could prevent scurvy (a debilitating disease that often developed during long voyages when fresh fruits and vegetables were scarce) by sucking on limes during their journey. It was later discovered that the main nutrient in the limes was Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is best known for its ability as a cell protector, immune booster and antioxidant, but its benefits are many.
The main sources of Vitamin C are green vegetables, fruits, tomatoes and potatoes; however the content depends on the season and the degree of freshness of the food. The Vitamin C content can be lost if foods are stored for a long time, if they have been boiled, processed or left exposed to air. It is therefore important to eat foods that are fresh or freshly prepared.
A sufficient daily dose of Vitamin C is obtained by consuming four to five servings of fresh or steamed vegetables or fresh raw fruit. It can also be taken as a supplement in tablet, powder, liquid or capsule form. Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid is the most widely used and least expensive, but may sometimes irritate the digestive system.
Because vitamin C is water-soluble, it cannot be stored in the body and is therefore eliminated through urine and faeces in about 12 hours. Although many people are able to tolerate high doses of vitamin C with no side effects, others may suffer from mouth ulcers, diarrhoea, gas, and bloating. These problems disappear when the dosages are reduced. It is advisable to check the packaging of supplements or speak to a health care consultant about correct dosages.
Individuals who take the contraceptive pill, large amounts of aspirin, smoke, drink high levels of alcohol, or work in highly polluted areas will have an increased need for vitamin C.
Deficiencies of Vitamin C include bleeding gums, loosening of the teeth, weakness, irritability, and aching muscles. Other minor deficiencies include poor healing of wounds, joint pain, easy bruising and slow recovery from colds and flu.
Vitamin C may also help to:
• Reduce the symptoms and length of colds and flu. By taking vitamin C when you first experience the symptoms of a cold, you can prevent it from developing fully.
• Keep gums strong and healthy.
• Prevent heart disease and reduce cholesterol.
• Prevent certain cancers.
• Protect the eyes against cataracts. Vitamin C may keep the lens of the eye from being damaged by cigarette smoke and ultraviolet light, which are linked to the formation of cataracts.
• Relieve allergies, eczema, sinusitis, and asthma.
• Control gallstone formation.
• Improve memory.
Vitamin C and Weight loss:
Recently, vitamin C has been linked to lower fat levels, especially in the stomach and abdomen. Understanding the role vitamin C plays in reducing stomach fat will help you better plan your nutrition.
Adequate vitamin C is essential for proper fat metabolism. Low vitamin C is linked with increased weight and higher waist measurement. Patients with low vitamin C tend to have more stomach fat despite overall weight loss.
Vitamin C is required for production of molecules used in oxidation, or metabolism, of fatty tissue. Without sufficient vitamin C, your body is unable to use stored fat. Your body is still producing fatty tissue for energy, but is unable to use it. This causes a buildup of fat, especially in the abdominal area.
Vitamin C improves fat loss by approximately 30 percent, according to "Journal of the American College of Nutrition." Twenty percent of American adults don't get enough vitamin C, and are therefore prone to an inability to burn fat. However, by getting adequate levels of vitamin C, you can drastically improve your chances of losing stomach fat.
About 1000mg of vitamin C is adequate if you want to take a supplement. If it causes diarrhea, then reduce the dosage.
Monday, 13 April 2020
What are Antioxidants and why should we take them?
The word on the streets is that we should be supplementing our systems with antioxidants. Most of us know that they eliminate free radicals, but it may be useful to understand how they act to clear out these undesirable agents.
In a nutshell, antioxidants interact with and stabilize destructive free radicals which can cause havoc with the body’s cells when present in excess. Free radicals are the natural by-products of many processes within cells, but are also created by exposure to tobacco smoke; chemicals like paints, solvents, glues and some cleaning products; exhaust fumes; alcohol; radiation; fertilizers and sunlight.
The most common form of free radicals is Oxygen (O2). Free radicals are molecules with incomplete electron shells which make them more chemically reactive than those with complete electron shells. In order to re-establish their stability, free radicals seek to steal electrons from surrounding molecules, causing damage to cell structures and genetic material within the cells. When the "attacked" molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, starting a chain reaction. Sometimes the body’s immune system purposefully creates free radicals to neutralize viruses and bacteria.
Damaging free radicals are now considered to play a role in aging, the general slowing down of the metabolism and a tendency towards illnesses like arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
Antioxidants are chemicals that offer up their own electrons, thus preventing cellular damage. They are referred to as the scavengers that "mop up" free radicals by neutralizing the electrical charge and preventing the free radical from taking electrons from other molecules.
The vitamins A (which is converted from beta-carotene), C and E in conjunction with the mineral Selenium, act as antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Fruit and vegetables that are dark green, orange, red, yellow, white and purple contain large amounts of Vitamin A and C, whilst a good selection of wholegrain cereals will provide adequate amounts of Vitamin E. Brazil nuts are high in Selenium.
The antioxidants that are found in Green Tea as well as most berries and grapes are called phenols. Trace minerals like Germanium and Copper also have significant antioxidant properties. Germanium is found in garlic and Copper is found in oysters, lamb’s liver, brewer’s yeast and olives.
There are a number of antioxidant formulas on the market, but stocking your home with wholesome and natural foods can also contribute towards healthier living and prevent free radical damage.
For more information, please contact Yvonne at or visit
Saturday, 11 April 2020
How Intuitive are you?
Intuition is described as a sense of knowing something, without the use of reason or being aware of how we know. Some believe that it is a message from God, an experience that transcends our physical life. We often refer to intuition by using words such as “gut feeling” or “that something just felt right” We receive inspiration when we least expect it - in the shower or whilst sitting quietly, not focusing on a particular problem. Often we can go to bed with a dilemma and wake up the next morning with the answers.
By living intuitively we are able to exist in greater harmony with our world. We call a sick friend or family member when they need us, we avoid dangerous situations, find the right job, meet who we need to meet, and follow a direction in life that is line with our higher purpose.
Natural healers and psychics base most of their work on intuition. For some it is a natural born gift and others a talent that develops over time. We all have an ability to receive premonitions, whether they come about through feelings, pictures, hearing words or a sense of knowing. With practice, insights may be received in other ways as well. For example, you may unexpectedly read a something in a book or see a movie that answers a question.
Developing intuition and receiving inner wisdom is not an overnight process, but takes time and practice.
In order to access our intuition we have to relax the intellect and mind and direct our attention inwards. The moment that feelings of doubt, fear, criticism or judgement creep in, we cut ourselves off from intuition. States of mind such as anger, anxiety, fatigue, and depression also can interfere with intuitive signals and pollute our interpretations.
Firstly, find a quiet location that you can visit regularly. Sit comfortably and whilst breathing easily, allow the muscles in your body to relax from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. When you are complete relaxed, consider your question without expectation or control of the outcome. Trust that the guidance you need will come to you. If this method is difficult for you at first, you can begin by taking a pen and paper with you to your special place. Consider your question, wait, and write down any answers that come to mind. Do not be disheartened if you don’t get the answers straight away. With continued practice you can improve your sense of intuition.
Keep a journal and write down all your inspirations and insights so that you can confirm them at a later stage. If you’re confused or uncomfortable about an outcome, then it isn’t your intuition
Thursday, 9 April 2020
Every Breathe you take!
The Magic of Breathe
Breathing is an automatic, unconscious function that is performed by the body while we continue with our day to day activities. The only time we do think about it is when we find it difficult to breathe because of a cold and blocked nose, when we are out of breath from physical exertion or when we have had a fright and our breathing becomes shallow and fast.
However, oxygen is the most vital nutrient for the body. If we don’t have it, we will die within a few minutes. With each inhale we bring oxygen into the body and trigger the transformation of nutrients into fuel. Each exhale cleanses the body of carbon dioxide, a toxic waste.
Individuals who breathe inefficiently breathe fast and shallow. They may often breathe through the mouth instead of the nose, and may hold their breath without realising they are doing so. Shallow fast breathing results in a reduction of oxygen around the body and to the brain. This process can be quite draining on the body, and if it continues on a regular basis it can lead to exhaustion, irritability and health problems.
There are a number of factors which can affect our ability to breathe well.
• Posture – when one slouches, lung capacity is reduced and breathing is restricted. The chest needs to be open and free so that we can take in longer and deeper breathes. By becoming aware of our posture and the way we hold our shoulders whilst standing or seated, we can improve the flow of oxygen into the body.
• Stress and Tension – The greater the stress, the more tense the muscles become, affecting our ability to breathe. Sometimes when we are highly focused on something, we tend to stop breathing completely for a few moments. Again, this is a habit that we are not conscious of and one which requires awareness to correct.
• Emotional State – Emotions can affect our breathing and when we are unhappy or upset, our breathing speeds up and becomes more shallow. Deep breathing exercises can help us to control and release emotions. Sit up straight in a comfortable chair and breathe in deeply through the nose. Hold in for 4 counts and breathe out deeply through the mouth. Repeat for about 3 to 5 minutes.
• Lifestyle – Many of us live in an environment that is polluted by toxins and smoke. We are discouraged to breathe in deeply in an effort to avoid filling our lungs with this polluted and often stale air, as a means of protection. Make time to get out into the fresh air and nature as often as possible and practice deep breathing exercises.
Remember – Oxygen costs nothing!! Use it freely.
When the Angels send you feathers
Ever wondered why you suddenly see so many feathers around you?
This has been an interesting week of feathers for me. I have found feathers in my bed and feathers in my entrance hall. I collect them wherever I see them and have a special holder for them.
If you are as passionate about the Angels as I am, then you'll know that its a sure sign that the Angels are trying to tell you something.
When you see feathers, you know that the Angels are close by. Has there been something that has been bothering you or you've faced a challenge and don't know what to do?
Feathers are a gift and a sign that the Angels have heard you and are there to support you and guide you with your problem. You are not alone!
A white and grey feather symbolises peace and neutrality, whilst black feathers indicate mystical wisdom that comes with true spiritual initiation.
You can take the feathers that you have found and place them on your Angel Altar or meditate with them or place them next to your bed.
But be assured that the Angels are letting you know that all is going to be fine in your world.
If there is something that is troubling you, ask for help from the Angels and wait for a sign. You may receive it in the form of a feather, words that come up in a signboard, numbers that have interesting sequences or even in the form of a friend who has come as an earth Angel to help you with your challenges.
Strange superstitions about feathers: It is considered bad luck to walk past a feather. However, it is good luck to pick up the feather and stick it into the ground. The luck is doubled if it is a black feather. Feathers in the room of someone who is dying are believed to postpone the death. This allows visitors from far away sufficient time to visit the patient's bedside.
Feathers were worn by Native American Chiefs to symbolize their communication with Spirit, and to express their celestial wisdom. Also in the Native American Indian culture, feathers represented the power of the thunder gods, along with the power of air and wind.
As a Celtic Symbol meaning, the feather was worn by Druids in the form of ornate feathered robes. Celtic Druids donned these robes in ceremonies to invoke the sky gods and gain knowledge of the celestial realm. It was believed that the feathered cloak along with the presence of the sky gods would allow the Druid to transcend the earthly plane and enter the ethereal realm.
The feather in a dream catcher represents the element air, and the type of feather that is chosen determines the intention for the dream catcher
Monday, 6 April 2020
Reiki - whats the deal?
The History of Reiki
The word Reiki means universal life energy and it is defined as that power which acts and lives in all created matter. The word Reiki is made up of two parts. The Rei- is the universal aspect of this energy and the -ki is the vital life force energy which flows through all living beings.
Reiki is believed to have begun in Tibet several thousand years ago. Seers in the Orient studied energies and developed a system of sounds and symbols for universal healing energies. Various healing systems, which crossed many different cultures, emerged from this single root system.
Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, rediscovered the root system in the mid- to late 1800s. He called this form of healing Reiki and taught it throughout Japan until his death around 1893. Reiki was introduced to the Western world in the mid-1970s. Since then its use has spread dramatically worldwide.
How does it work?
Reiki is one of the more widely known forms of “hands on” energy healing. It involves the direct application of Chi or energy for the purpose of strengthening the human energy system or aura.
The Benefits of Reiki
* Reiki supports the body's natural ability to heal itself
* Reiki functions on all levels, whether mental or spiritual, bodily or emotional
* Reiki balances the body's energies
* Reiki loosens up blocked energy and promotes a state of total relaxation
* Reiki cleanses the body of poisons
* Reiki adjusts itself according to the needs of the recipient
* Reiki works with animals and plants
Reiki can never do damage to the recipient as only the necessary amount of energy flows through the client.
What to expect during a consultation
Reiki focuses on healing all levels of a person's being by connecting with the Life Force within. We all have access to this Universal Energy and anyone can lay their hands on another and become intuitively aware of their energy field.
Through the various attunements (at-one-ment) a healer works directly with the client's force field to restore a person to wholeness of being. The client may feel the energy as a warm glow, coldness, vibration, pulsation, tingling or other sensation. For healing to take place, it is always the choice of the client whether they are ready to be healed or not.
Reiki can be combined with other treatments including shiatsu, polarity therapy, colour therapy, aromatherapy and acupuncture, to name but a few. It supports and increases the effectiveness of every kind of medication and treatment and can be used in combination with surgery as it detoxifies the body and speeds up the healing process. Reiki should never be administered during an operation whilst the client is under anaesthetic or if the client is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
For more information or to find a practitioner in your area, please contact Yvonne on or visit
The History of Reiki
The word Reiki means universal life energy and it is defined as that power which acts and lives in all created matter. The word Reiki is made up of two parts. The Rei- is the universal aspect of this energy and the -ki is the vital life force energy which flows through all living beings.
Reiki is believed to have begun in Tibet several thousand years ago. Seers in the Orient studied energies and developed a system of sounds and symbols for universal healing energies. Various healing systems, which crossed many different cultures, emerged from this single root system.
Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, rediscovered the root system in the mid- to late 1800s. He called this form of healing Reiki and taught it throughout Japan until his death around 1893. Reiki was introduced to the Western world in the mid-1970s. Since then its use has spread dramatically worldwide.
How does it work?
Reiki is one of the more widely known forms of “hands on” energy healing. It involves the direct application of Chi or energy for the purpose of strengthening the human energy system or aura.
The Benefits of Reiki
* Reiki supports the body's natural ability to heal itself
* Reiki functions on all levels, whether mental or spiritual, bodily or emotional
* Reiki balances the body's energies
* Reiki loosens up blocked energy and promotes a state of total relaxation
* Reiki cleanses the body of poisons
* Reiki adjusts itself according to the needs of the recipient
* Reiki works with animals and plants
Reiki can never do damage to the recipient as only the necessary amount of energy flows through the client.
What to expect during a consultation
Reiki focuses on healing all levels of a person's being by connecting with the Life Force within. We all have access to this Universal Energy and anyone can lay their hands on another and become intuitively aware of their energy field.
Through the various attunements (at-one-ment) a healer works directly with the client's force field to restore a person to wholeness of being. The client may feel the energy as a warm glow, coldness, vibration, pulsation, tingling or other sensation. For healing to take place, it is always the choice of the client whether they are ready to be healed or not.
Reiki can be combined with other treatments including shiatsu, polarity therapy, colour therapy, aromatherapy and acupuncture, to name but a few. It supports and increases the effectiveness of every kind of medication and treatment and can be used in combination with surgery as it detoxifies the body and speeds up the healing process. Reiki should never be administered during an operation whilst the client is under anaesthetic or if the client is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
For more information or to find a practitioner in your area, please contact Yvonne on or visit
Saturday, 4 April 2020
Giving the Tarot More Meaning
Understanding The Tarot
Historically, some believe that the Tarot was first used in medieval Europe, when it was brought over from India by the gypsies. Others believe that it originated in Ancient Egypt.
More and more people visit psychics and tarot readers to get insight into a number of life questions. We often wonder what the future holds or have reached a crossroads in life where we want to know what the consequences of a particular decision would be. Most people think of the Tarot as a fortunetelling tool, but they can also assist in guiding us on the best possible course of action for resolving problems and making positive change.
The Tarot can offer advice on a number of questions which include:
• How to attain greater prosperity and success
• How to improve a relationship
• Career choices
• What would be the best course of action to improve health and wellness
• Finding love in the near future
There is more to the Tarot reading than asking a question, dealing the cards and then looking up the answer in a book. The Tarot can be used a tool for using the intuitive capacity that is within all of us.
Working with the Cards
A classical Tarot pack consists of 78 cards, 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Major Arcana is a set of trump cards which are decorated with pictures that represent man’s journey through life, showing the setbacks and opportunities that he encounters along the way. The Minor Arcana are very similar to an ordinary pack of playing cards and indicate the challenges of daily life.
There are 4 suits in the Minor Arcana. These are Cups (affairs of the heart), Wands (career or work issues), Pentacles (material affairs) and Swords (intellectual affairs).
The rituals that surround the use of the Tarot differ from person to person, but legend has it that the cards will not work unless they are kept wrapped in a piece of silk. This prevents them from being contaminated by outside psychic forces. Intuition plays a large role when choosing a deck. There are a number of decks to choose from and it is important to find a deck that one can relate or respond to. The Rider-Waite is most commonly used by those beginners who embark on the journey of understanding the Tarot.
When preparing for a reading, it is important to create an atmosphere that allows the reader and querant to remain focused. Candles and incense can be burned to clear the surrounding energies. It may be beneficial for the reader to prepare themselves beforehand so that their mind is clear from everyday concerns and worries. A short meditation can help the reader to become focused, centred and relaxed before a reading.
Handling the Cards
The reader should shuffle the cards thoroughly before the reading. The cards are then handed to the querant for shuffling. Whilst the querant is shuffling the cards they can think of their question or keep an open mind to get the guidance that they require.
Once the querant has shuffled the cards, they are required to cut the deck into three with their left hand and then reassemble the pack in a different order. When the cards have been handed back, the reader can lay out the cards in the Tarot Spread or Layout of their choice. Cards that fall out during the shuffling process should be noted, as the message may be important to the querant.
There are a number of spreads that can be used in a reading. The simplest is the one card reading that can be used for day to day messages. A three card reading can be very informative for advice on the past, present and future. The most common spread used is the Celtic Cross, but once accustomed to the cards, the reader can begin to invent their own spreads to suite the readings that they do. The Celtic Cross gives an excellent overview of the querant’s situation and covers current circumstances, obstacles, past influences, future influences, the querant’s hopes and fears and the best possible outcome.
Like any form of divination, the querant’s best interest and feelings should always be borne in mind during a tarot reading, and a high level of professionalism and integrity should be upheld by the reader at all times.
For a personal reading or to learn more about the Tarot, please contact Yvonne de Bruin on +27832584497 or or visit

Historically, some believe that the Tarot was first used in medieval Europe, when it was brought over from India by the gypsies. Others believe that it originated in Ancient Egypt.
More and more people visit psychics and tarot readers to get insight into a number of life questions. We often wonder what the future holds or have reached a crossroads in life where we want to know what the consequences of a particular decision would be. Most people think of the Tarot as a fortunetelling tool, but they can also assist in guiding us on the best possible course of action for resolving problems and making positive change.
The Tarot can offer advice on a number of questions which include:
• How to attain greater prosperity and success
• How to improve a relationship
• Career choices
• What would be the best course of action to improve health and wellness
• Finding love in the near future
There is more to the Tarot reading than asking a question, dealing the cards and then looking up the answer in a book. The Tarot can be used a tool for using the intuitive capacity that is within all of us.
Working with the Cards
A classical Tarot pack consists of 78 cards, 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Major Arcana is a set of trump cards which are decorated with pictures that represent man’s journey through life, showing the setbacks and opportunities that he encounters along the way. The Minor Arcana are very similar to an ordinary pack of playing cards and indicate the challenges of daily life.
There are 4 suits in the Minor Arcana. These are Cups (affairs of the heart), Wands (career or work issues), Pentacles (material affairs) and Swords (intellectual affairs).
The rituals that surround the use of the Tarot differ from person to person, but legend has it that the cards will not work unless they are kept wrapped in a piece of silk. This prevents them from being contaminated by outside psychic forces. Intuition plays a large role when choosing a deck. There are a number of decks to choose from and it is important to find a deck that one can relate or respond to. The Rider-Waite is most commonly used by those beginners who embark on the journey of understanding the Tarot.
When preparing for a reading, it is important to create an atmosphere that allows the reader and querant to remain focused. Candles and incense can be burned to clear the surrounding energies. It may be beneficial for the reader to prepare themselves beforehand so that their mind is clear from everyday concerns and worries. A short meditation can help the reader to become focused, centred and relaxed before a reading.
Handling the Cards
The reader should shuffle the cards thoroughly before the reading. The cards are then handed to the querant for shuffling. Whilst the querant is shuffling the cards they can think of their question or keep an open mind to get the guidance that they require.
Once the querant has shuffled the cards, they are required to cut the deck into three with their left hand and then reassemble the pack in a different order. When the cards have been handed back, the reader can lay out the cards in the Tarot Spread or Layout of their choice. Cards that fall out during the shuffling process should be noted, as the message may be important to the querant.
There are a number of spreads that can be used in a reading. The simplest is the one card reading that can be used for day to day messages. A three card reading can be very informative for advice on the past, present and future. The most common spread used is the Celtic Cross, but once accustomed to the cards, the reader can begin to invent their own spreads to suite the readings that they do. The Celtic Cross gives an excellent overview of the querant’s situation and covers current circumstances, obstacles, past influences, future influences, the querant’s hopes and fears and the best possible outcome.
Like any form of divination, the querant’s best interest and feelings should always be borne in mind during a tarot reading, and a high level of professionalism and integrity should be upheld by the reader at all times.
For a personal reading or to learn more about the Tarot, please contact Yvonne de Bruin on +27832584497 or or visit

A Natural Approach to Anxiety
When you’re feeling Anxious – What do you do?
Feelings of unease, worry, and fear are generally known as anxiety, and are the body’s reaction to a dangerous or stressful situation. When the brain detects a threat, it triggers the release of hormones that prepare the body to either defend itself or flee. This defence against temporary stress can be beneficial, but anxiety can become a health problem when it is triggered constantly or when it occurs for no reason and interferes with one’s daily activities.
Anxiety disorders can lead to a variety of problems, including fatigue, headaches, stomach upsets, high blood pressure, poor concentration, sleep disturbances, a sense of detachment from reality and depression.
A panic attack is an acute form of anxiety. Feelings of losing control for no apparent reason, a dry mouth, sweating, dizziness, a tight chest, shortness of breath, a fear of dying or a fear of going crazy, are all symptoms of a panic attack. A panic attack can occur at any time, when its least expected. Some suffer panic attacks due to phobias including a fear of flying, a fear of going outdoors, or a fear of crowds, to name but a few. One can also experience a panic attack after a stressful life event like a loss or separation.
Conventional drugs and therapy are generally recommended to control anxiety, but there are also a number of alternative practices and remedies that may assist in easing the symptoms.
If your bouts of anxiety are increasing throughout the day, your body is telling you that you need more down time to restore balance. To prevent stress from building up, take frequent time-outs. For every hour that you work, take a ten minute break from your work station.
Keep regular sleeping patterns so that your body is able to deal with day to day stress more efficiently. Take a hot bath or a brisk walk three hours before bedtime to prepare your body for sleep and avoid eating heavy meals or drinking alcohol or caffeine in the evenings.
Rescue Remedy is a blend of flower essences which can be purchased at most pharmacies and health shops. It is taken primarily for situations involving acute stress, shock or trauma but its properties can also ease dizziness, emotional tension, fear and panic attacks.
Kava Kava is a herb which is known for its calming properties. It is very effective for easing the nervousness, dizziness and heart palpitations associated with anxiety and may even prevent panic attacks. St John’s Wort can be taken to ease the depression that occasionally accompanies anxiety. It takes about a month before the full effects of St. John's Wort are felt. Do not take these herbs if you’re already on anti-depressants.
Various meditation and breathing techniques have also been known to assist with alleviating Anxiety.
If you’re unsure about your symptoms, please consult with your Doctor first so that a reliable diagnosis can be made.
For a personal consultation contact Yvonne at
Feelings of unease, worry, and fear are generally known as anxiety, and are the body’s reaction to a dangerous or stressful situation. When the brain detects a threat, it triggers the release of hormones that prepare the body to either defend itself or flee. This defence against temporary stress can be beneficial, but anxiety can become a health problem when it is triggered constantly or when it occurs for no reason and interferes with one’s daily activities.
Anxiety disorders can lead to a variety of problems, including fatigue, headaches, stomach upsets, high blood pressure, poor concentration, sleep disturbances, a sense of detachment from reality and depression.
A panic attack is an acute form of anxiety. Feelings of losing control for no apparent reason, a dry mouth, sweating, dizziness, a tight chest, shortness of breath, a fear of dying or a fear of going crazy, are all symptoms of a panic attack. A panic attack can occur at any time, when its least expected. Some suffer panic attacks due to phobias including a fear of flying, a fear of going outdoors, or a fear of crowds, to name but a few. One can also experience a panic attack after a stressful life event like a loss or separation.
Conventional drugs and therapy are generally recommended to control anxiety, but there are also a number of alternative practices and remedies that may assist in easing the symptoms.
If your bouts of anxiety are increasing throughout the day, your body is telling you that you need more down time to restore balance. To prevent stress from building up, take frequent time-outs. For every hour that you work, take a ten minute break from your work station.
Keep regular sleeping patterns so that your body is able to deal with day to day stress more efficiently. Take a hot bath or a brisk walk three hours before bedtime to prepare your body for sleep and avoid eating heavy meals or drinking alcohol or caffeine in the evenings.
Rescue Remedy is a blend of flower essences which can be purchased at most pharmacies and health shops. It is taken primarily for situations involving acute stress, shock or trauma but its properties can also ease dizziness, emotional tension, fear and panic attacks.
Kava Kava is a herb which is known for its calming properties. It is very effective for easing the nervousness, dizziness and heart palpitations associated with anxiety and may even prevent panic attacks. St John’s Wort can be taken to ease the depression that occasionally accompanies anxiety. It takes about a month before the full effects of St. John's Wort are felt. Do not take these herbs if you’re already on anti-depressants.
Various meditation and breathing techniques have also been known to assist with alleviating Anxiety.
If you’re unsure about your symptoms, please consult with your Doctor first so that a reliable diagnosis can be made.
For a personal consultation contact Yvonne at
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